system integration and astrophotography automation software
Voyager and Viking Video List
Video in English
Rowland Archer Series
Diego Colonnello Series
Voyager Advanced
- Voyager Advanced - Introduction
- #1 - Installation and Upload of License
- #2 - The New RoboTarget Section
- #3 - RoboTarget Manager
- #4 - Remote Access to RoboTarget and a Real Run
- #5 - How Executing RoboTarget from OnTheFly and/or from DragScript
- #6 - How to get information about RoboTarget Activities from Manager - Runs/Run/Session/Shot Done
- #7 - Manage the Shot Done , Shot Deleted, Rating , Restore of Shot with the RoboTarget Manager
- #8 - How to Rating, Delete, Restore the Shot Done with CSV Files
- #9 - RoboTarget Open API for manage the Delete, Restore and Rating of Shot Done
- #10 - Management of RoboTarget Orphan Set & Target
- #11 - Remote JPG Preview Viewer for Voyager RoboTarget Manager and dedicate double cache system
- #12 - RoboTarget Events Management with DragScript
- #13 - Custom Horizon Management
- #14 - Moon Avoidance with Lorentzian Management
- #15 - RoboTarget PDF Report
- #16 - One Shot Target & Max Sequence Time new Constraints
- #17 - Reactions to RoboTarget Events : Abort Action/Target
- #18 - RoboTarget Preset Time Interval Mode & Base Sequence Settings Override
Video in Italiano
Setup e Configurazione iniziale
Utilizzo Avanzato
- DragScript - Prima Parte
- DragScript - Seconda Parte
- DragScript - Terza Parte
- Ricerca Scientifica: Esopianeti / Supernova / Asteroidi
- Invio Alert SMS e Chiamata Vocale con Nexmo
- Realizzazione Mosaici con DragScript
- Gestione Eventi di Emergenza
- Blocchi Condizionali e Automazione Avanzata
- RoboFire e RoboStar - Principi di utilizzo del RoboStar
- RoboFire e RoboStar - Introduzione al RoboFire ed Impostazione in Setup del Controllo
- RoboFire e RoboStar - Configurazione del RoboFire in Generale e della Motalità VCurve
- RoboFire & RoboStar - First Light Wizard, VCurve Aggiuntive, Fuoco Automatico con VCurve
- RoboFire & RoboStar - First Light Wizard, VCurve Aggiuntive, Fuoco Automatico con VCurve
- Setup ed Utilizzo del Controllo Weather (AAGCloud, Boltwood, SkyAlert)
- Setup ed Utilizzo di PLATESOLVE2
- RoboFire LocalField (Configurazione ed Utilizzo)